
Showing posts from August, 2021

Session two - Terry White PLS 28 April 21

Principal's PLD Session two 28 April - Planning Learning Spaces with Terry White What is our learning agenda? We are currently heading towards the new build stage 1 and also building on the culture and pedagogy of Wesley Primary currently. We are also in the move from single-cell - individualized eurocentric In NZ we have a focus on the needs of learner - we as a school achieve this through learning through play, though support and through inquiry/experiences.    We are currently in the PLS Framework intro- We are currently in the process of reviewing our vision, mission and purpose - which at times I have really struggled to connect as they are same. 

Teacher only day - 4 August 2021

Teacher only day - 4 August 2021 We have had a fantastic day with kaiako and kaiawhina learning with Harko Brown and also Planning Learning Spaces kaupapa.  Here are some highlights of our day.  Our staff feedback was really amazing and it gave a sense of whanaungatanga while we learned about being a kaitiaki and takaro and toi Maori.  Composting and eco warriors Great turn out with 24 staff attending.  Special taonga made for our kura Sustainable schools presentation Sharing kai Learning takaro Weaving Manu Planning learning spaces workshop 1 Sharing more kai