
Showing posts from November, 2021

SHOTFAMZ 30 October Vaccination Drive and ARK Project

SHOTFAMZ Reflection and Thanks -  On Saturday 30 October our community came together to vaccinate 150 people and we ended up with 265 vaccines given out. It was raining in the arvo but the team soldiered on. We had an awesome time, and we are hoping for more on the 20 November Shotfamz event (see attached flyer at the bottom). Please see our photos and If possible can you highlight the success of giving our food parcels as a thankyou to whānau getting vaccinated rather than a incentive. Alot of businesses and organizations supported the cause fim including Kidscan, New World Mt Roskill and McDonald's Mt Roskill, Santi Niwas Trust, Whodidyouhelptoday? TRUST, Wesley Primary and Intermediate School. FIRSTLY thankyou to our volunteers as we reached 265 vaccines given because of the mahi of  45 plus volunteers and so many people working from home and off site to support our SHOTFAMZ event so a huge thankyou for what you achieved.  After the event I felt so humbled and tired but also sto