Design sprint snapshots and reflections
On Friday 14th October, we held a Design Sprint at Te Kura Tuatahi o Wēteri - Wesley Primary school. The purpose of the event was to define our learning space challenges for stage 2 of our new school buildings and to ideate some solutions collaboratively with staff, community and business partners. It was amazingly led by our AP- Andy Crowe and supported by our key note speakers Terry White and @Bhavini Pandya from @PlanningLearningSpaces (PLS), our leadership team DP Shelley, TLs Sam and Heidi, with lovely Kai provided by Madie! I want to thank all of our beautiful staff for giving up time during your break too. Alongside our staff, we had Ministry of Education Delivery manager Fiona, our wonderful architects @MOSHIN MUSSA and Will from RTA and our strategic build partners like Liam Doolin and Alex Hall from Naylor Love. Representatives from the business sector and our community leaders gave powerful feedback to each working group and we had a few laughs along the wa...