Design sprint snapshots and reflections

On Friday 14th October, we held a Design Sprint at Te Kura Tuatahi o Wēteri - Wesley Primary school. The purpose of the event was to define our learning space challenges for stage 2 of our new school buildings and to ideate some solutions collaboratively with staff, community and business partners. 

It was amazingly led by our AP- Andy Crowe and supported by our key note speakers Terry White and @Bhavini Pandya from @PlanningLearningSpaces (PLS), our leadership team DP Shelley, TLs Sam and Heidi, with lovely Kai provided by Madie! I want to thank all of our beautiful staff for giving up time during your break too.

Alongside our staff, we had Ministry of Education Delivery manager Fiona, our wonderful architects @MOSHIN MUSSA and Will from RTA and our strategic build partners like Liam Doolin and Alex Hall from Naylor Love. 

Representatives from the business sector and our community leaders gave powerful feedback to each working group and we had a few laughs along the way too. a huge shout to Board Chair Tupou F Sione (Adhb), Matua Hare Paniora and Hohepa renata for leading our cultural perspevtives - tikanga for this hui and sharing your collective wisdom as always. 

Matua Harko Brown also gave the 45 plus attendees a real insight into our kaupapa Māori - initiatives like our Mara hupara play spaces and Toi Māori. 

I was told by most attendees that more schools should be taking a similar PLS approach, while using a Design Sprint to launch our working groups to effect change. 

Representatives from the our strategic business partnerships also gave up their day and helped our teams really ideate some cool solutions to act on for stage 2 of our new school (being built in 2023). 
Some key mentions from each team. Sustainability team - Louise Nash from @circularity Matt Whyte @Reserogroup
Community Spaces and Kitchens - Tiliilagi Tili-Leilua Heath from @ActiveVision NZ Ltd @Daren Manks
Learning Together - Sebel Furniture Michael Hellyer 
Active Spaces - Rob Clarke @Elite Property Maintenance
Mara Hupara - Harko Brown 

Also a special thanks to Te Whāngai Trust - Maata Edwards Vesi Taiivao Adrienne Dalton for supplying us the lovely plants for our attendees. 

  • Overview of Design Sprint

    • Over the last 2 years Wēteri Kaiako have been on a design journey covering five areas that impact teaching and learning in new spaces, using the PLS in Practice Design Framework.


The process has been underpinned by recent international evidence-based research led by Terry White, that demonstrates the strong link between pedagogy and space which improves learning outcomes.

  • Outcomes

    • Designing with schools leads to better outcomes for teachers and students.

    • Supporting design decisions with evidence, and utilising a co-design framework, enables schools to contribute effectively to the design brief.

  • Resources

    • 7 Spaces - Learning spaces could be made up of 7 spaces. How technology supports the way in which we think about spaces.

    • Planning Learning Spaces in Practice - Want to learn more about our guests from the UK? Check out their website! Lots of inspiring ideas, research and case studies to peruse before our design sprint.

Design Thinking - For the super curious. A little bit about the methodology that’s inspiring our day. The link is to an article titled; “What is Design Thinking? The Ultimate Beginners Guide”.     



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