Walkthroughs Term 3

As we have done earlier this year our teams (Kea, Takahe and Hoiho). Takahe The team has started to use the kitchen space in room 8, have set up the breakfast and have kai accessible straight away in the morning. Use of QR codes and using IPad for Classdojo In room 9 is mainly used for construction and play eg for arts and children have plenty of access to the resources and supplies. Takahe has also spread out the equipment and the organisation of learning. Also the new promeathean have helped to link into learning through play and presenting through the active board. The daily planning and groups are up on the wall and include 4 social groupings. We are mixing the kids and rotate the teachers and kids. Literacy is set up and we are tighting our systems and also use of tokens. Teachers are encouraged to use their tokens for the...