Planning for PLS Workshop 4 and coaching the coach session
September-October 2021
Planning session with SLT with Terry and Bhavini for workshop 4.
One of the key aspects of workshop 4, is being able to articulate what the Next Practice actually looks like, we are really pleased with the progress that our teams are making in reflecting and ideating. The process for linking a picture to the statement is a critical step in ideating and prototyping for our new build.
As we go through each of the themes we are already seeing the links to the other areas of the themes.
We could see in the sharing from Bhavini and Terry that learners feeling empowered and have agency in their learning journey at Trumpington park school. We are moving towards a strategy for change for our kura, where we can be creative and zone our environments very dynamically.
Workshop 5 is about zoning our spaces and as we move into a more detailed understanding of what we want the furniture and the space to be utilized. Heidi suggested that "this process helps us to go deeper and not just on the shiny stuff that often we normally see in new build design" therefore not just something that looks good but the value of what would help our learners. Cath reflected on the similar ideas and challenges and also focus on our curriculum.
In anticipation of growing and scaling up, we have decided to bring on Sam Bound into the leadership of PLS as a coach. The project would have a key role that would coach other staff and help provide others with the framework for working within the PLS tool. The consultation process through the coach would help bring greater clarity of what we need to do in each of the themes i.e Pedagogy, Organisation of Learning, Curriculum, Community, Leadership of learning.
Our new focus after we have moved towards workshop 5, our next step is around our strategy of change and therefore we will have real tangible examples of what we need as the spaces will be owned by the teachers to article the needs of their learners to architects, future designers, builders and even new staff.
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